
Disdain for the world textile and disdain for the world to how long micro-textile web games _.

Disdain for the world class textile Board arrived in the main city there is a level 82. .Textile Council to be upgraded to 82 before they can use Textile function. .Textile Council of cloth in the textile and get the price and the price game is closely related to the city. .Textile Bureau is a money machine. .After the success of the system when the textile fabric will be sold under the then price. .Another storm hit when the textile can be doubled when the coin return. .The player is another player to make money after the war cum silver weapon. .Setting: the game increased with level access to a total of three textile workers. .Newly acquired textile workers, to upgrade the necessary experience to be more than the previous workers. .Each textile workers for the 10 level cap. .Textile workers to reach 5 and 10 per grade will be eligible for a skill. .A total of 5 skill system, as follows: Skill Name Skill comment Skills trace of an orderly successful <wbr> 3 icing on the cake to increase the success rate of textile <wbr> 3 increased crit crit rate with great accuracy textile successfully increased textile <wbr> 5 .The success rate of Inf <wbr> 5 crit crit rate increase textile Level <wbr> 1 bright future for the next level of textile fabric Note: When workers reach 10 can be reincarnated. .Existing skills can be washed off after reincarnation, after re-upgrade the skills of better times set: 10 times per day to the textile. .Textile, regardless of failure or success will reduce the number of a textile. .Available at the time when a player reaches VIP8 gold unlimited number of times to buy textiles. .1 to 5 times per 20 gold, 6 to 10 times every 50 gold, 11 times beginning every 100 gold coins. .Following is a map of each level to upgrade the textile weavers when the Board 82 Board 83 textile workers in textile and textile when the textile workers when the Board 84 Board 85 textile workers in textile and textile when the textile workers in the textile workers when the Board 86 Note: When the Textile Council of 86 .grade 5 textile workers will get the first skill. .Skills Council 87 randomly generated when the textile workers in the textile textile textile workers when the Board 88 Board 89 when the textile and textile workers in the textile when the textile Board 90 Board 91 when the textile workers in the textile workers Note: When the Textile Council 91 when 10 of the textile .workers will get a second skill. .Skills Council 92 randomly generated when the textile textile workers Note: When the Textile Council 92 will be a second textile workers. .And can rise to two Note: When the textile and the second when the Bureau of 92 textile workers can be upgraded to two textile and textile workers when Board 93 Board 94 textile textile textile workers when the Bureau of 95 when the textile workers Note: When the Textile Council .95 textile workers when the second grade will receive up to 5 the first skill. .Skills Council 96 randomly generated when the textile workers in the textile textile textile workers when the Board 97 Board 98 when the textile and textile workers in the textile Board 99 when the 100 textile workers in the textile when the textile workers in the Bureau Note: When the Bureau of 100 textile and textile during the second .to 10 workers will get a second skill. .Skill Bureau 101 randomly generated when the textile textile workers Note: When the textile Bureau 101 occurs when a third of textile workers. .When the textile Bureau 102 Bureau 103 textile workers in textile and textile when the textile workers when the Board 104 Board 105 textile workers in the textile when the textile workers Note: When the Bureau of 105 textile and textile workers reached when the third level 5 skills will be the first .. .Skill Bureau 106 randomly generated when the textile textile textile workers when the Board 107 Board 108 textile workers in textile and textile when the textile workers when the Bureau of 109 textile workers in textile and textile workers at level of 110 Note: When the textile and third grade of 110 textile .to 10 workers will get a second skill. .Skills disdain for randomly generated world to receive the value of clicks up the value of 888 Yuan Great Package code "" "<wbr> <wbr /> <wbr> <wbr /> disdain for the world collection events: http://www9u8ucom/astd/ <wbr> .<wbr /> <wbr> <wbr /> Related articles: <wbr> <wbr /> disdain for the world disdain reincarnation reincarnation of the role and skills of world <wbr> <wbr /> disdain for the world level official disdain for the world table <wbr> w Weiguo Guan .<wbr /> <wbr> <wbr /> disdain for the world turn to disdain for the world how will it turn red horse how to get disdain disdain for the world to appoint red horse world Raiders <wbr> <wbr /> <wbr> <wbr /> disdain for the world each .World daily tasks on the task disdain Raiders.

